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Welcome Fort Vancouver Trappers,
Class of 1961!

2006 Reunion Pictures

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First row, left to right: Janet Greville Ritchie, Karen Cleveland Monahan, Janet John Thompson, Judy Kelly Mason, Patsy Hershaw Budde, Erni (Ernestine) Soll Ruffcorn, Bonnie Baker Belloy, Carol Wirth Wilkerson, Shareen Newman Butcher, Jeanne Featherly Cullen.
Middle row, left to right: Linda Blair Jacka, Pat Maslac Vallandigham, Carlene Rittenhouse Landers, Pat Reichsfeld Farrell, Janet Moore Phillips, Pat Monahan, Eugene Morley
Back Row, left to right: Farralee Fuller, Rick Hood, Kaye Putnam Guske, Dale Lumpkin, Jan Mills Geis, Dick Maw, Jerry Johnston, and Steve Lapsley

First row, left to right Rosann Gehring Bass, Pam Young Richard, Rosemarie Armstrong, Ruth Armstrong Goulet, Judy McKnight Buskirk, Denise Walsh Reinke, Betty Haisch Bloomberg, Bill Taylor, Gayle Harris Manor, Cheri Jones Nye, Mike Graves, and Carl Dahlen
Middle row, left to right: Ann Hungate Ashburn, Marvin Wakefield, Joey Hodges, Howard Moller, Suzie Fink Feinauer, Paul Johnson, Roger Castle, Roger Welch, Roger Hogman-Carlson, Jon Belcher, Anni DuFrense Beach, Tom Prediletto, Rosalie Eaks Wilson, Bonnie Johnston Sloan
Back row, left to right Ken Crouse, Rich Lietke, Larry Siewert, Terry Richard, Robert Mathieu, Billie Turbyfill Mathieu, Marjie Vannoy Fields, Bob Graham, Jimmy Jones, Dick Fisher, Jim Berry, and Karen Olson Stanton